Compliance of issuing of the Pension slip by Pension Disbursing Banks on monthly basis: CPAO

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Compliance of issuing of the Pension slip by Pension Disbursing Banks on monthly basis: CPAO

NEW DELHI-110066
PHONES : 26174596, 26174456, 26174438

CPAO/IT & Tech/Bank Performance/37 (Vol-III)/2021-22/7607/91


Office Memorandum

Subject: Compliance of issuing of the Pension slip by Pension Disbursing Banks on monthly basis

Attention is invited to this office OM dated 15.05.2018 and DoPPW’s OM dated 22.06.2021 wherein all the Pension Disbursing Banks were requested to issue pension slip to pensioners after credit of pension on their registered mobile numbers through SMS and email (wherever available). The pension slip should provide complete details of monthly pension paid along with break-up of the amount credited and tax deductions etc, if any. Banks may also use social media apps in addition to SMS and e-mail.

It has been observed that some of the Authorised Banks are not complying with the OM mentioned ibid and are not issuing the pension slip with complete details to the pensioners/family pensioners. It is pertinent to note that issuing the pension slip is also mentioned under the ‘Roles and Responsibilities of Home Branches (Pension Account Holding Branches)’ of Para 12.1 of the Scheme Booklet issued by CPAO.

All the Authorised Banks are hereby directed to issue pension slip with complete details to all the pensioners/family pensioners and strive to use social media apps (in addition to SMS and email) for better user experience. Banks are also requested to provide information with respect to issuance of pension slips in the following format-

S.No.Total number of pensioners in whose favour pension was released in the month of July2021Number of pension slips issued against the pensioners mentioned in column 2

This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pension).

Read: Leave Encashment and Gratuity for pensioners who retired between January 2020 and June 2021

(Satish Kumar Garg)
(Sr. AO – IT & Technical)

1. All the Heads of CPPCs of the Authorised Banks
2. All the Heads of GBUs/GBDs of the Authorised Banks

Copy for information to-
1. PS to CC (P), CPAO
2. Sr. TD (NIC), CPAO
3. PA to ACA

Source: Click here to view/download the PDF

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