Deputation of Group ‘A’ officers of Central Government to State Government /UTs Modification of guidelines: Railway Board RBE No. 48/2024 dated 29.05.2024
RBE No. 48/2024
New Delhi, dt.29.05.2024
The General Managers/Pr. Financial Advisors,
All Indian Railways & Production Units incl. RDSO,
(As per Standard Mailing List)
Sub: – Deputation of Group ‘A’ officers of Central Government to State Government /UTs Modification of guidelines-Regarding.
Consolidated guidelines on ‘Deputation’ have been issued by DOP&T vide their O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay-IT) dated 17.06.2010 which have been adopted/circulated on the Railways vide Board’s letter No.2010/F(E)I/IM)/1 dated 28.07.2010. These guidelines of DOP&T have been amended from time to time and also adopted/circulated to all Railways accordingly. These instructions have been consolidated by DOP&T vide compendium dated 08.09.2022 (enclosed).
2. Now, DOP&T have issued instructions vide their O.M. No. 6/8/2023-Pers. Policy (Deputation/Re-employment)Pt.XV dated 15.03.2024 regarding deputation of Group ‘A’ officers of the Central Govt. to ex-cadre posts under a State Govt./UT Administration including PSUs/ABs/Statutory Bodies/Universities/Local Bodies under the States/UT Administration. Attention has also been drawn by DOP&T in the said OM to para-1.3 of DOP&T’s OM No. AB/14017/2/2007-Estt(RR) dated 29.02.2008 (enclosed) indicating the provisions of regulating tenure and procedure of appointment on deputation/foreign service of members of organized Group A and Group B service of the Central Government. Provisions contained in Para-1.3 of DOP&T’s OM dated 29.02.2008 have been modified by DOP&T vide OM dated 15.03.2024 to the extent they govern the deputation of Group ‘A’ officers of Central Government to ex-cadre posts under a State Govt./Union Territories including PSUs/ABs/Statutory Bodies/Universities/Local Bodies under the States/UT Administration. All other instructions/guidelines consolidated vide DOP&T’s OM dated 08.09.2022 and OM dated 29.02.2008 shall remain unaltered.
3. The DOP&T’s O.M. No. 6/8/2023-Pers. Policy (Deputation/Re-employment) Pt.XV dated 15.03.2024 (enclosed) shall apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees also.
4. Please acknowledge receipt.
G Brig. apudetons
(G. Priva Sudarsani)
Director, Finance (Estt.)
Railway Board