Extending maternity benefits to contractual doctors — Revised terms and conditions: Railway Board Order June, 2024
Extending maternity benefits to contractual doctors — Revised terms and conditions: Railway Board Order June, 2024
(रेलवे बोर्ड / RAILWAY BOARD )
No. 2020/E(GR)II/1/3 — Part(1)
New Delhi, Dated: 20.06.2024
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & PUs
(as per standard mailing list)
Sub: Extending maternity benefits to contractual doctors — Revised terms and conditions.
The issue of extending the maternity benefits to Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) engaged on full-time basis on Indian Railways was under consideration in this Ministry for some time. It has now been decided with the approval of Hon’ble MR that CMPs engaged on full time basis are also entitled for Maternity leave. Accordingly the following is appended to the clause 8 of the Terms & Conditions for engagement of CMPs on full time basis as laid down in Railway Board’s letter No. 96/E(GR)II/9/16 dated 23.02.2000 containing the provisions related to leave facility:-
“CMPs shall be eligible for maternity leave of 26 weeks of which not more than 08 weeks shall precede the date of expected delivery OR remaining tenure of contract period, whichever is less. Furthermore, this is subject to her having completed working period of not less than 80 days in the 12 months immediately preceding the date of her expected delivery in the Railway hospital and fulfilling the other terms and conditions of Maternity Act, 1961.”
2. All other terms and conditions for Contract Medical Practitioners as laid down in the said letter and as amended from time to time shall remain unchanged.
3. These orders will take effect from the date of issue of this letter and shall remain in force till further orders.
4, This issues with the concurrence of the Finance (Establishment) Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

( Kamal Kishor )
Deputy Director/Estt. (Gaz. Rectt.)-II
Railway Board
Tel: 011-23047260
Email: kamal.pandey14[at]gov.in