Extension of the time period of submission of life certificate till 28th February 2022: Railway Board RBA No. 74/2021
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board
RBA No. 74 / 2021
No. 2010/AC-II/21/10/PT.IV
Date: 31.12.2021
General Managers,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Sub : – Extension of the time period of submission of life certificate for Central Government pensioners till 28th February 2022 in wake of current Covid-19 pandemic.
Ref:- Board’s letter of even no.dated 11.10.2021and 3.12.2021(RBA 54/2021 and 69/2021 respectively)
A copy of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DOPPW) O.M No. No.18/1/2020-P&PW(H)-III-6786 dated 31.12.2021 regarding Extension of the time period of submission of life certificate for Central Government pensioners till 28th February 2022 in wake of current Covid-19 pandemic is enclosed for information and necessary action.
DA:As above.
(Sanjeev Sharma)
Railway Board
Copy to :-
1. PFA and PCPOs of all Zonal Railways/PUs
2. All PSBs paying Railway pension, RBI, DFS