Attendance of Central Government officials. DoPT OM dated 28.05.2021 reg Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus.
Attendance of Central Government officials. DoPT OM dated 28.05.2021 reg Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 28th May, 2021
Subject: Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) — Attendance of Central Government officials regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated the 6th May, 2021 whereby the instructions regulating the attendance of Central Government employees till 31st May, 2021 were issued. It has been decided to extend the existing arrangement of attendance of Central Government employees till 15th June, 2021 or until further orders, whichever is earlier.
(Umesh Kumar Bhatia)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
1. All the Ministries/Departments, Government of India
2. PMO/Cabinet Secretariat
3. PS to Hon’ble MOS(PP)
4. PSO to Secretary(Personnel)
5. Sr. Tech. Dir., NIC, DoP&T — for uploading.
Also Read: Central Civil Services (Implementation of National Pension System) Rules, 2021
Source: Click here to view/download
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