Guidelines on procedure for re-designation of the post of Deputy Secretary held by an officer appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme as Director as a measure personal to the officer: DoP&T Order.
Guidelines on procedure for re-designation of the post of Deputy Secretary held by an officer appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme as Director as a measure personal to the officer: DoP&T Order dated 18.11.2022
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 18 November, 2022
Subject:- Guidelines on procedure for re-designation of the post of Deputy Secretary held by an officer appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme as Director as a measure personal to the officer
Reference is invited to Department of Personnel and Training’s O.M No. 31/5/2002- EO(MM I) dated 28.02.2002 , O.M No. 28/2/2014-EO(MM I) dated 22.02.2014, O.M. No. 4/28/2009-EO(MM-I) dated 25.06.2014 and No. 32/29/2020-EO (MM-lI) dated 18.06.2020 on the subject cited above. The guidelines on the above subject are given as under:-
2.1 An All India/Group ‘A’ Service officer holding the post of Deputy Secretary could be appointed as Director by re-designating the post of Deputy Secretary held by him/her if he/she has completed 14 years of service and has got Non-functional Selection Grade in Pay Band-4 carrying Grade Pay of Rs.8700/- in his/her parent cadre. The re-designation of the post of Deputy Secretary held by an officer as Director may be done on 1st January of the year in which the officer completes 14 years of service.
2.2 Those officers who have got non-functional Selection Grade in their cadres and who have their years of allotment as 2009 would be eligible to become Directors on personal upgradation w.e.f. 01.01.2023. Since the date of reckoning of 14 years of service is the 1st of January of the year, the order of re-designation issued by this Department takes effect from 1st of January of that year if the order is issued before that date. However in respect of cases that are processed after 1st January, the order of re-designation takes effect from the date of assumption of charge of the post subsequent to the date of issue of order.
2.3 The posts of Deputy Secretary and Director are interchangeable under the Central Staffing Scheme. Therefore, the requirement for a vacant post of Director being available in the Ministry before such re-designation is not applicable.
2.4 Further, officers of All India Services/Group ‘A’ Services appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme and holding the post of Deputy Secretary, who have not yet got NFSG in their cadres, could be appointed as Director by re-designating the post of Deputy Secretary held by him/her if he/she has completed 14 years of service without insisting on the condition that there should be a clear vacancy of Director available.
This re-designation would be subject to the condition that;
(i) The promotion of the officer to NFSG has not been specifically denied.
(ii) The officer should have earned at least 3 increments in a post in Pay Band-3 carrying Grade Pay of Rs. 7600/-.
3. All the Ministries/Departments are advised to send such proposals to this Department as soon as the requisite criteria for re-designation are satisfied. Proposals for re-designation should be sent with the approval of the Minister in Charge and along with a copy of the order of promotion/grant of NFSG issued by the concerned Cadre Controlling Authority.
(Sign of Authority)
Nidhi Srivastava
Deputy Secretary