Re-classification of Mathura-Vrindavan as ‘Y’ class city for HRA House Rent Allowance to CPSE
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan
Block 14, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 25th August, 2021
Subject: Re-classification of Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation as ‘Y’ class city for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) to Central Public Sector Enterprises(CPSE)-reg
The undersigned is directed to refer to DPE’s OM of even number dated 07.01.2013 and 07.09.2015 regarding classification of cities/town for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) to CPSE employees following 2007 IDA pay scales.
2. Department of Expenditure (DOE) vide OM NO 2/4/2018-E.II(B} dated 25.02.2020 has conveyed that Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation shail stand classified as ‘Y’ class city/town for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance to the central Government employees posted there.
3. It has been decided that the reclassification of Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation as contained in the DoE OM 2/4/2018-E.II(B) dated 25.02.2020 would also be applicable to the employees of CPSEs following 2017/2007 IDA pay scales and following CDA pay scales in line with VI & VII Central Pay Commissions’ recommendations with effect from 01.03.2020.
4, Further, it has also been decided that the orders on classification/re-classification of cities/towns categoriesd as ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ issued by the Department of Expenditure for the employees of Central Government would mutatis-mutandis be also applicable to the employees of CPSEs following 2017/2007 IDA pay scales and following CDA pay scales in line with VI & VII Central Pay Commissions’ recommendations.
5. All Administrative Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are requested to bring the foregoings to the notice of the CPSE under their administrative control for necessary action at their end.
(Samsul Haque)
Under Secretary
Encl: As Above
All administrative Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.
Copy to:
1. The Chief Executives of Central Public Sector Enterprises.
2. Financial Advisers in the Administrative Ministries/Departments.
3. Department of Expenditure, E-Il Branch, North Block, New Delhi.
4. The Comptroller & Auditor General of India, 9 Deen Dayal Upadhayay Marg, New Delhi.
5. NIC, DPE with the request to upload this OM on the DPE website.
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(Samsul Haque)
Under Secretary