Selections/LDCEs held for Promotions on Indian Railways – Incorrect questions be omitted from evaluation
Selections/LDCEs held for Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways including CBT – Incorrect questions be omitted from evaluation: Railway Board Order RBE No. 134/2022
RBE NO. 134/2022
No. E(GP)2022/2/4
New Delhi, dt:26/10/2022
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.
Director General & Dy Director General, NAIR, Vadodara
(Kind Attn.: PCPO, PFA, Dy.CPO(G) & Dy.CAO(G)
Sub.: Selections/LDCEs held for Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways — Introduction of 100% Objective type Multiple Choice Questions
The issue regarding procedure to be adopted for evaluation in Selections and LDCEs held for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts based on multiple choice objective type questions, in case some of the question(s)/answer(s) therein are incorrect, has been examined by Board.
2. In this regard, it has been decided that the provisions contained in Board’s letter no.2010/E(RRB)25/27 dt.9.6.2011(copy enclosed) for dealing with similar situations in RRB examinations are also applicable for Selections/LDCEs held for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts including those to be conducted through Centralized CBT.
DA:As above
Dy. Director, E¢tt.(GP)-III
Railway Board
Ph. No. 23047250
E.mail ID- meena.1964[at]gov.in
(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAV BOARD)
No. 2010/E(RRB)/25/27 Pt.
New Delhi, Dated 09.06.2011
The Chairmen,
All Railway Recruitment Boards.
Sub.: Evaluation of OMR Answer Sheets of RRB examination — regarding uniform method.
There have been instances where one (or more) set of question Paper(s) involves an error in question(s) at the printing stage or a question having wrong answer or otherwise. It has come to notice that different RRBs are adopting different methods for dealing with such cases. With a view to have uniformity by all RRBs in such cases, please note that in future, wherever, any question(s) in the question paper(s) is found to be incorrect, the question(s) may be omitted from the scope of evaluation instead of giving grace mark(s) and raw score may be assessed on percentage basis. For example, there are total 100 number of questions and one question is wrong, only marking of 99 questions be considered and the marks obtained may be proportionally equated to the marks of 100 questions followed by necessary normalization process.
(Bansi Lal)
Joint Director, Estt. (RRB)
Railway Board.
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